"Season closing" tournament.

Now in its sixth year in a row, the Season Closing Tournament will be even stronger and bigger this year. Let's start with the biggest change, the tournament will be two days. Two laps on Saturday and one lap on Sunday. Another, but no less news, tournament will be PDGA B-tier category. And best of all,  the tournament will be sponsored by disc golf giant LATITUDE 64.

The tournament will traditionally be held in the most difficult disc golf course in Lithuania, Pušynas, located in a private area near Jonava.

    Tournament divisions:

    MPO - Division open to all

    FPO - Women's Division

    MP40 - 40+ years including current year <=1982


    Prize winners of MPO, FPO, MP40, divisions will be awarded cash prizes, which will be 60% of the collected entry fees. The top 25% of each division is awarded. If the prize winner does not want to receive the prize in cash, he can exchange it for a coupon, shop in the online store www.chillidiscgolf.lt

    CTP - basket 14. (Who will throw the first throw closer to the basket)

    LP - basket 13. (Who will make longest put)

    Player Pack:

Each participant of the tournament will receive a LATITUDE 64 disc with an amazing and exclusive design. There will be four options for the disc, which means there will be four types of discs.


The tournament is two days, two rounds on Saturday and the final round on Sunday.

The maximum number of participants is 90 people. The Tournament Director keeps 10 Wildcards.

    ACE BANK - 2 Eur (those who want to participate pay 2 EUR. Whoever hits the basket with the first shot will take the entire accumulated bank. If no one hits during the competition, the bank will go to another tournament organized by us. ) 95 ace bankas that have not hit the basket in our old tournaments come to ACE BANK Eur


    Ace Bank Pay here:

    Karolis Lukoševičius


    In the destination: AceSU2022 name, surname

    REGISTRATION:  https://discgolfmetrix.com/2334537 Registration opens September 18th. 6:00 p.m.

The PDGA page is here!

    Preliminary tournament schedule:

    October 15 (Saturday)

8:00 a.m. – the park is ready for training

10:00 a.m. - Start of round 1

13.00 - 14.30 break

During the break, we will find out who throws the discus the furthest in Lithuania.

15.00 - start of the 2nd round

    October 16 (Sunday)

11:00 a.m. - 3rd final round

2-3 p.m. - Awards


All - 30€

Payment by bank transfer only.

    Cancellation of participation and refund of fees - if registration is canceled before the end of registration (2022-10-12 18:00) - the tax paid will be refunded after deduction of 0.5€ to cover the transfer fees. If the registration is canceled later - the fees paid are not refunded


The tournament will be photographed, all participating participants do not object to their photos being placed in the public space. If you are against it, inform the tournament director.

    Paying by bank transfer:

    To: Chilli Disc Golf

    LT92 3500 0100 0323 1484

    Purpose: SU22, Name Surname.


Main sponsor of the tournament: